The initiative was presented at a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.
As the Deputy Minister of Culture and Information Policy Anastasia Bondar said, more than 460 cultural heritage objects have been damaged since the beginning of the war.
"Since February 24, 469 objects of the cultural heritage of Ukraine have been seriously damaged or destroyed by the troops of the russian federation, including 1,000 works of art. The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy and Vodafone Ukraine launched a project to attract charitable funds for their reconstruction. We offer to all people, leading institutions, philanthropists, and world governments caring about culture to participate in preserving and reconstructing Ukrainian and world cultural heritage," Bondar said.
Currently, the project's primary goal is to collect over UAH 470 million for the restoration of 15 damaged objects. Full details can be found on the Find and Follow travel portal from Vodafone.
"Unfortunately, since the number of damaged objects is increasing, the figures for the funds needed for reconstruction will also change. Patrons can even become a sponsor of a separate object and contribute all the necessary amount for its restoration," said the deputy minister.
Objects that have been completely destroyed, partially damaged, or closed to visitors are marked on the portal map. There is detailed information about each. The Vodafone Ukraine director of corporate management and control, Olga Deinega, also called on those wishing to join the reconstruction.
"For my part, I also call on all philanthropists, sponsors, and the European Union to donate and join this extremely important project. The sooner we restore the objects of our cultural heritage, the easier it will be for every Ukrainian," she said.
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