Femen activists staged topless protest in favor of “gas embargo” in front of German Chancellor

Activists of the Femen feminist movement cunningly staged a topless protest next to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, demanding a gas embargo against russia for its aggressive war.

Western media, including AFP, reported this, EP informs.

At the weekend, when the "government open day" was held, the activists approached the chancellor under the pretext of a joint photo. They unexpectedly tore off their jackets, exposing their breasts and writing "gas embargo (against russia) now."

Almost immediately, they were pushed away by security.

After the action, Femen published an explanation of the action on its page, stressing that the German governments had brought the country to energy dependence on russia, due to which Germany could not now react decisively to russia's war. They also accused Germany of insufficient assistance with weapons to Ukraine.

"Pacifism, peace efforts, and diplomacy became the norm on the European continent only after the military defeat of the war criminals. Now Ukraine has become a battlefield on which, without exaggeration, the continent's future is once again being decided. The price for peace and freedom is high, and it is time to pay it again. To preserve our democracy and freedoms, Europeans will have to pay with their comfort, but Ukrainians pay with their lives," the organization said in a statement.

Before the incident, during a question-and-answer session at the event, Scholz talked about Germany's efforts to find alternative energy sources that would allow it to abandon gas from the russian federation. He emphasized the role of liquefied natural gas and noted that the first terminals, built to increase imports, could be launched in early 2023.

"The problem of the security of our supplies can be solved sometime in early 2024," he said.

Scholz also denies criticism of his government regarding the insufficient volume of arms supplies to Ukraine.

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