Satellite for Ukraine: Prytula reported on funds collected from People’s Bayraktar project

The founder of the charitable foundation, Serhiy Prytula, reported where the funds collected from the project People's Bayraktar were spent

Rubryka informs about this, referring to Prytula's address on YouTube.

"We've been waiting for this day, you've been waiting for this day, and here it is.

Today, with pride and joy, I can finally announce where the funds collected from the People's Bayraktar project went.

Our Armed Forces will receive three Bayraktars for free," Prytula noted.

The head of the charitable foundation emphasized that after consultations with the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, they decided to use the funds to purchase a modern satellite.

This satellite will provide access to a database of satellite images of the ICEYE constellation, and this access will be available for more than a year.

According to Prytula, today, ICEYE has the most advanced technology of radar satellite imaging. This agreement is a serious step in providing the critical needs of the Ukrainian government for surveillance data and essential assistance to our Armed Forces.

"Now, our army will receive high-quality satellite images that will help us with operational planning of operations," Prytula emphasized.

"There will be plenty of cotton," he added.

Prytula noted that the needs of our army are not decreasing. In addition to such global projects, there are also daily needs for optics, cars, medicine, and UAVs.

"So I ask you to regularly support the foundation financially so that we could cover as many needs as possible of the Armed Forces:," summarized the head of the charitable foundation.

Fundraising for Bayraktars for the Armed Forces

As reported by Rubryka, this has already been done in the case of collected funds for Bayraktar in Lithuania.

The fundraiser was completed in three days. After that, the Turkish manufacturing company said the solidarity of the Lithuanians touched them.

This was why Turkey decided to donate a drone, and the collected funds could be directed to other needs of Ukraine.

Inspired by the example of Tapinas, as Rubryka wrote, in Ukraine, the Serhiy Prytula Foundation organized a fundraiser for three Bayraktars, which was completed in three days.

At the same time, they collected funds for almost four drones. The company Baykar has announced this time that it will hand over three drones free of charge.

The Serhiy Prytula Charitable Fund called this fundraising campaign "the largest for Ukraine."

And before that, the ambassador of Ukraine to Turkey, Vasyl Bodnar, noted that Turkey is "delighted" by the desire of Ukrainians to purchase attack drones on their own.

Canada also organized a fundraiser for the Bayraktar attack drone for the Ukrainian army. Volunteers want to hand over the purchased drone by Independence Day — August 24.


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