The press service of Nova Poshta reported this.
Nova Poshta plans to develop the first Ukrainian robot-sapper for demining reservoirs and a separate model for dry land.
They note that the future robotic sappers will help speed up demining of the entire territory of Ukraine and save the lives of Ukrainian deminers.
The company explained that the State Emergency Service determined the basic requirements for such robots, and Nova Poshta assumed responsibility for the technical direction and finding and attracting partners.
"Ukraine is currently one of the most mined countries in the world. About 200,000 square kilometers, which is almost a third of the country's territory, need demining.
Robots can do it the fastest. We at Nova Poshta have accumulated considerable experience in the field of robotics.
Together with Ukrainian startups and our R&D team, we have already developed and implemented three models of robots at our facilities.
Now we will use this expertise in a joint project with rescuers to help return Ukraine to a safe life faster," said Oleksii Taranenko, director of development.
The companies plan to develop and provide calculations for at least 20 robots of each type.
To recap, Nova Poshta cooperates with the State Emergency Service in several areas: logistical and technical support of rescue teams and their logistical support throughout the country.
According to the most optimistic forecasts, Ukraine will need 5-7 years to demine the entire territory.
For demining, Ukrainian rescuers actively involve modern technologies and sapper robots, including the British TALON systems and the famous American robot dog Spot from Boston Dynamics.
Read Rubryka's timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.
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