US conducted intercontinental ballistic missile test, showing readiness of nuclear force’s safe, effective deterrent

The United States conducted an intercontinental ballistic missile Minuteman III test

It was reported by the US Air Force Global Strike Command.

As noted, these tests demonstrated the readiness of its nuclear forces for possible threats.

We will remind that in April, this missile launch was canceled due to nuclear tension with the russian federation.

The department emphasized that the launch was carried out on August 16 from the US Space Force base Vandenberg in California. The rocket was equipped with a test apparatus for re-entry into the atmosphere.

The American command claims that these launches aim to "demonstrate that the United States' nuclear deterrent is safe, secure, reliable and effective to deter twenty-first-century threats and reassure our allies."

"Make no mistake – our nuclear triad is the cornerstone of the national security of our country and of our allies around the globe," emphasized the commander of the 576th Flight Test Squadron, Colonel Chris Cruz.

At the same time, the command reported that such tests are regular and have already taken place more than 300 times before.

And today's launches "are not the result of current world events."

It should be recalled that at the beginning of April, the American military canceled the tests of its intercontinental missile Minuteman III to reduce nuclear tensions in relations with russia during its war against Ukraine.

The next test was scheduled for the end of 2022.

The Minuteman III test, known as the Glory Trip, is typically conducted several times a year to assess the intercontinental ballistic missile's reliability.

Read Rubryka's timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.

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