Rubryka reports, referring to the Telegram of Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Mykhailo Fedorov.
As the minister noted, a limited collection of speakers will be installed in the brand's European stores with a call to support Ukraine and donate through UNITED24.
Fedorov emphasized that buying a Beosound 2 Ukrainian edition speaker is still impossible.
"But you can win one of 10 speakers by donating at least 10 euros through UNITED24. The collected funds will go towards the purchase of X-ray machines.
They will help doctors quickly diagnose fractures and shrapnel wounds," the minister emphasized.
The draw starts on August 16 at 11:00 a.m. The closing date is August 31 at 11:59 p.m.
Winners will be chosen using the randomization service on September 1 at 6:00 p.m.
The ministry will publish the results on @U24_gov_ua. Make sure to win and join the raffle at this link. (
Thanks to the Bang&Olufsen distributor team and Asbis for the idea and support of such an incredible project.
The United24 fundraising platform is a so-called "single window" for donations from charitable organizations, international partners, and citizens to support Ukraine, in particular, in the following areas: assistance to the Ukrainian forces, humanitarian, medical and children assistance, infrastructure restoration, digital and information counteraction to armed aggression.
On May 17, President Zelensky signed a decree to create the United24 national brand to unite the efforts of international partners in support of Ukraine.
Famous people became United24 ambassadors, including athletes Andrii Shevchenko and Elina Svitolina, American actor Liev Schreiber, Balenciaga creative director Demna Gvasalia, and rock band Imagine Dragons.
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