Rubryka reports, referring to the Telegram of the head of Chernihiv regional military administration, Viacheslav Chaus.
He announced this after a meeting with representatives of the French Embassy in Ukraine.
As the region's governor noted, France promised to involve its specialists and equipment to help in demining.
"The French government is ready to help, in direct demining with the involvement of its specialists and equipment, and to help train Ukrainian specialists.
In particular, it concerns the demining of reservoirs," the governor wrote in the post.
According to Chaus, the parties also discussed the possibility of assistance from the French government in the demining process in the de-occupied territories and the creation of DNA laboratories to identify killed and dead people.
We will remind you that in July, the French Foreign Ministry announced the transfer of a mobile laboratory for express DNA analysis to Ukraine to investigate russia's war crimes.
In addition, Finland plans to take part in the reconstruction of the infrastructure destroyed during the hostilities in the Chernihiv region.
The Chernihiv region is an administrative territory in the north of Ukraine that borders the Kyiv region in the west, the Sumy region in the east, the Poltava region in the south, and belarus and russia in the north.
During russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Chernihiv region was one of the first regions to be occupied by russian army. After a month-long occupation and fierce resistance from the Ukrainian people and army, Ukrainian troops liberated the region. On 4 and 5 April, units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine retook control of their border crossing in the Chernihiv region.
On 4 April, the governor of the Chernihiv region, Viacheslav Chaus, stated that the russian military had left the Chernihiv region but that it had planted mines in many areas. Despite being liberated, the region is still shelled by russian forces from the territory of russia and belarus.
Read Rubryka's timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.
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