Currently, enrollment for the second course is underway, which is devoted to machine learning. On it, Ludmyla Slava, a machine learning engineer and an expert in natural language processing, will talk about The Beauty Robot of Tomorrow. The course will start on August 16. You can apply here.
During the two days of the intensive, the participants will listen to the following modules:
Using machine learning
In addition, enrollment continues for the second group of the App prototyping course. Speaker Eva Tytska, UX/UI designer and front-end developer, will tell the participants how e-commerce applications are created. You can register via the link.
In total, the organizers will hold 10 courses in two months. During this time, they plan to teach 150 girls. In addition to the two courses mentioned above, participants will be able to learn skills on the topic of Data-driven web app.
According to the organizers, these courses will allow girls to acquire soft and hard skills for further development in IT, where there is still a shortage of female specialists.
"We have been working on the issue of gender parity in technology for many years. Unfortunately, even with all the founders and managers of IT companies' desire to achieve gender equality in their companies, the number of women among developers rarely exceeds 30-35%," adds Serhiy Tokarev, STEM is FEM and technology company Roosh founder. "There simply aren't that many female specialists on the market. Therefore, it is important for us not only to teach girls programming but also to attract their attention to technical specialties, to motivate them to connect their lives with technologies."
In total, the organizers choose 15 girls for each course.
You can follow the start of the subsequent courses and other STEM is FEM projects on Instagram and Facebook.
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