Iryna Vereshchuk, Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories, made a corresponding statement at the opening ceremony of the "I am Kherson" transit hub and support center for IDPs in Zaporizhzhia city for evacuated residents of Kherson region, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.
"Please, evacuate. A difficult winter is coming. We need to help you, save you from the cold and the enemy," Vereshchuk said.
According to the officials, if there is no possibility to evacuate, people should contact the regional military administration representatives.
Currently, about 50% of the population have left Kherson region.
As Yaroslav Yanushevych, the Head of the Kherson Regional Military Administration, commented, the situation in the region is very tense.
"People are waiting for de-occupation. That is why we call on them to leave as military operations can't be held in the areas where people stay. There can be no military operations without a threat," said the head of the region.
He also added that postal services do not work in Kherson region, the invaders literally tear down the terminals in shops so that people cannot pay in hryvnias, the Ukrainian Internet and television were cut off.
Now more than 20,000 residents of the region expect evacuation.
As reported, the invaders in Kherson region first steal goods and then distribute the stolen goods as humanitarian aid from Russia.
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