"Ukraine is still in need of support in the fight against the Russian invasion, which is why Denmark is increasing the support towards military training," the statement reads.
As the department noted, Denmark supports the training project led by Britain, involving 130 Danish soldiers, and at the same time offers to train Ukrainian soldiers in Denmark.
"Therefore, a dialog with Ukraine has been initiated regarding support in educating commanders and support to the Ukrainian Territorial Defence Force," the Danish Ministry of Defense said.
It is also reported that it is one of the initiatives that will be presented during tomorrow's donor conference in Copenhagen.
Denmark will allocate one hundred million danish crowns in 2022 to the project of support in military training.
The instructors will provide basic military training, including urban combat and tactical operations, to Ukrainian soldiers with zero to limited military experience, Defence Minister Morten Bodskov told the newspaper Jyllands-Posten.
Previously, Finland, Sweden, and Canada also announced their participation in the training of the Ukrainian military.
We will remind you that the Ukrainian military training program on British territory was offered to Volodymyr Zelensky by Prime Minister of Great Britain Boris Johnson during his visit to Kyiv in June.
Then the British Prime Minister specified that the military of the United Kingdom could provide training for up to 10,000 Ukrainian service members every 120 days.
We should note that Boris Johnson, who temporarily remains the Prime Minister of Britain, attended training for the Ukrainian military and took part in the military exercises himself.
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