russian occupiers prepare cages to stage ‘show trial’ of POWs in Mariupol

Russian invaders are planning to stage a 'show trial' of Ukrainian defenders in the temporarily occupied city of Mariupol.

The relevant statement was made by Mariupol City Council on Telegram.

"Now Russian occupiers are assembling prisoner cages on the stage of Mariupol Chamber Philharmonic. Bars are 20 mm in diameter. The invaders are planning to stage a 'show trial' of Ukrainian defenders in September," the report states.

Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boichenko called on the international community to not allow this to happen.

"The occupiers continue to disregard any international norms. They continue to multiply war crimes, showing disdain for the entire civilized world. I urge the international community, the UN and the ICRC to intervene in the situation and ensure that the rules of the treatment of prisoners of war are respected. We must do everything to bring our defenders back to Ukraine alive and prevent another Olenivka from happening in Mariupol," Boichenko stressed.

A reminder that, on the night of July 29, 2022, a powerful explosion took place within the former correctional facility situated in Donetsk Region's Olenivka, where Russians kept Ukrainian POWs. At least 50 Ukrainian defenders were reported killed and over 70 seriously injured.

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