The UK's Ministry of Defense reported on Twitter, citing intelligence data.
"Russian forces are probably operating in the regions adjacent to the power station and have used artillery units based in these areas to target Ukrainian territory on the western bank of the Dnipro river," the report said.
The British Ministry of Defense also added that russian troops use the territory of the nearby city of Enerhodar for the rest of their units, taking advantage of the protected status of the nuclear power plant to reduce the risks to their equipment and personnel from nighttime Ukrainian attacks.
The agency emphasized that the actions of the russian invaders undermined the safety of the nuclear facility.
"Following five months of occupation, Russia's intentions regarding the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant remain unclear. However, the actions they have undertaken at the facility have likely undermined the security and safety of the plant's normal operations," the British Ministry of Defense said.
Earlier, the WSJ reported that the russian army was transforming Europe's largest nuclear power plant into a military base overlooking an active front, intensifying a monthslong safety crisis for the vast facility and its thousands of staff.
Reuter also reported, citing US State Secretary Antony Blinken, that russia was using Ukraine's power plant as a "nuclear shield."
US Secretary of State on Monday called russia's actions around Ukraine's largest nuclear power plant "the height of irresponsibility," accusing Moscow of using it as a "nuclear shield" in attacks on Ukrainian forces.
"Of course, the Ukrainians cannot fire back lest there be a terrible accident involving the nuclear plant," he said. russia's actions went beyond using a "human shield," Blinken said.
Rubryka also reported that Europe's largest nuclear plant captured by russians was "completely out of control," citing IAEA Chief Grossi. He said that all nuclear safety measures had been violated at the Zaporizhzhia atomic power plant, which the russian invaders captured in early March.
Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.
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