It is reported by the Lebanese media outlet Anahar.
As noted, the ship was allowed to leave the port.
Anahar said the arrest was lifted in accordance with "Lebanese legal principles based on sovereignty over our land and sea."
Already in the morning, the ship left the port of Tripoli and headed for Syria.
Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs response
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is, of course, disappointed by the decision of the Lebanese court.
The department emphasized that the court did not consider the evidence and the position of Ukraine's competent authorities.
"This ruling actually encourages Russia to continue thefts in the temporarily occupied south of Ukraine with a sense of impunity.
In addition, with this ruling, Lebanon actually undermines its food security, pushing Ukraine away as its reliable partner," the statement said.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs recalled that Ukraine was making efforts to support Lebanon's food security. Last year, Ukraine delivered the most agricultural products.
And after the opening of Ukrainian ports, the first grain ship headed to Lebanon. In addition, Ukraine offered Lebanon to buy back at a discounted price the grain and flour stolen from it from the detained ship.
The Ministry called for the cancellation of the decision to lift the seizure from the Laodecia vessel.
We will remind that the arrival of the ship Laodecia at the port of Tripoli became known at the end of July.
Ukrainian diplomats immediately appealed to the Lebanese authorities.
Ambassador of Ukraine Ihor Ostash informed his colleague that the ship was loaded in the port of Feodosia with barley exported from the occupied territories.
Ostash explained that to confirm that it is actually Ukrainian grain, it is necessary to examine it. The Prosecutor General of Lebanon, Hassan Weidat, also confirmed that the vessel is under arrest pending an examination.
A few days later, the Embassy of Ukraine in Lebanon noted that it had received confirmation: the flour and barley turned out to be Ukrainian after all.
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