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The Guardian reported this, citing the Chinese state broadcaster.
As noted in the publication, the training will continue until noon on August 7, with live firing.
"During these combat exercises, six significant areas around the island are involved. During this period, all ships and aircraft must not enter the relevant sea zones and airspace," the PRC said.
The Guardian reported that the areas designated by China for exercises are located around Taiwan and, in some places, overlap areas that Taiwan considers its territorial waters and are even close to essential ports.
Taiwan's leadership accuses China of a de facto blockade.
The Ministry of Defense of Taiwan noted that the army of Taiwan is in regular mode and is monitoring the situation.
We will remind that Pelosi arrived in Taiwan on August 2, which caused China's displeasure.
She said the visit is a testament to the US's commitment to supporting Taiwan's democracy.
– In response to Pelosi's visit, China threatened the United States with "consequences" and began large-scale military exercises 120 km off the coast of Taiwan.
– The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China stated that the visit of the US representative to the island "seriously violates" the principle of "one China."
US National Security Council Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby said that the United States would not be intimidated by China's threats and bellicose rhetoric regarding Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan.
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