The President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, stated this in an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
"Today, Ukraine defends Poland, Europe, including Germany. If Ukraine's heroic resistance cannot defy putin's imperial plans, Poland and the Baltic countries will be under direct threat of further expansion of the russian sphere of influence in Central Europe," Duda said.
The President of Poland mentioned that "the ideas of a great russia mean the subjugation of other nations."
As Duda emphasized, these are not only the ideas of the russian president, but they prevail among a significant part of russian society.
"Thanks to Ukraine, today, this danger is under control. But I think that this danger will become relevant in the future, unfortunately," the Polish president emphasized.
"The only thing we can do is strengthen our own security," Duda said.
"Ukraine shows what can be done with good weapons," he added.
It should be recalled that last week the Minister of National Defense of Poland, Mariusz Blaszczak, signed agreements on South Korean weapons for the Polish army:
The equipment is supposed to replenish the Polish army's reserves, which decreased after the transfer of part of it to Ukraine. In particular, Duda mentioned that Poland handed over 260 T-72 tanks to Ukraine.
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