Interfax-Ukraine reports.
"Sanctions are being implemented against the insurance company SOGAZ, the Russian Railways, and against defense enterprises that are engaged in the development, production, and testing of military equipment for the russian armed forces," the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand emphasizes.
The sanctions include a wide range of measures, including travel bans, asset freezes, bans on financial transactions, and the entry of sea and air vessels into the country.
They also prohibit individuals and legal entities of New Zealand from providing goods and services to russia, its defense enterprises, which are subject to sanctions.
Earlier, New Zealand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade stated that the country introduced measures prohibiting the import of gold of russian origin, which came into force on 25 July, thus joining the EU's gold embargo.
In June, within its Russia Sanctions Act 2022, New Zealand created regulations designating 44 entities that are funding or fuelling russia's war in Ukraine.
New Zealand presented regulations designating additional Belarusian individuals and entities, including President Lukashenko, extending further prohibitions on belarusians already sanctioned, and rules establishing disinformation and malicious cyber actors in May.
The Russia Sanctions Act 2022, passed unanimously by the Parliament of New Zealand on 9 March 2022, is Aotearoa New Zealand's response to russia's illegal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.
New Zealand stated that in the absence of an adequate response from the United Nations Security Council and in light of russia's continued actions in Ukraine, this act would provide Aotearoa New Zealand with the legislative tools to join the international community and respond.
Aotearoa New Zealand, through our sanctions measures, contributes to international efforts to limit russia's ability to finance and equip the war in Ukraine and to influence russia away from war. Sanctions under the Act target individuals and companies economically or strategically important to russia.
Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.
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