russia's war crimes should not go unpunished
Kaja Kallas, Estonia's Prime Minister, stated that commenting the mass murder of war prisoners in Olenivka, Rubryka reports.
"Yet again we witness brutal and heinous crimes committed by #russia. The mass murder in #Olenivka against Ukrainian prisoners of war replays the darkest chapters of history.
There must be no impunity for war crimes, just like there can no return to relations with war criminals", she wrote on Twitter.
On Friday morning, that the russian media reported on the shelling of the colony in Olenivka, Donetsk region, where Ukrainian prisoners were kept. Propagandists claimed that there were at least 53 dead.
The General Staff of Ukraine denied the accusations of the russian federation that the attack was carried out by the Armed Forces.
According to the General Staff, russians tried to hide the torture and murder of prisoners.
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