
Ukrainian intelligence revealed reason behind russia’s Olenivka colony terrorist attack

The main purpose of the terrorist attack in the Olenivka penal colony was to hide the facts of the total embezzlement of funds allocated for the maintenance of Ukrainian prisoners of war.

It is reported by the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, on August 1, a commission from Moscow was supposed to arrive in the Olenivka colony to check the expenditure of allocated funds and conditions of detention of prisoners.

Since the actual condition of the building and the conditions of keeping the prisoners in it did not meet the requirements of the russian leadership, the "problem" was solved by destroying the premises and the Ukrainians in it.

Another purpose of the provocation is to increase social tension in Ukraine. Considering the great public interest in the fate of the soldiers of Azovstal, according to the authors of the scenario of the terrorist attack, the death of the defenders should lead to increased social tension in Ukraine.

As Defense Intellegence reported, the explosions took place on the territory of the industrial zone in a recently built building, which was supposed to be specially equipped to hold prisoners taken out of Azovstal. The equipment of the building was completed two days ago, after which some of the detained Ukrainian defenders were transferred there.

"We emphasize that the explosions in Olenivka, which led to the death of the Ukrainian Defenders, were a deliberate provocation and an undeniable act of terrorism by the occupying forces," the intelligence report stated.

According to the available information, it was carried out by mercenaries from the Wagner (League) PMC under the personal command of the nominal owner of the specified PMC, Yevhen Prigozhin. The organization and execution of the terrorist attack were not coordinated with russia's Ministry of Defense leadership.

"To find out the real circumstances of the terrorist attack and to prevent a similar incident from happening again, I call on all international institutions to take a firm stance on the events in Olenivka. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, one of the guarantors of the safety and proper maintenance of Ukrainian prisoners of war, must properly assess the events. They will make efforts to find out the real circumstances and reasons for the killing of Ukrainian defenders," the head of the State Security Service, Kyrylo Budanov, emphasized.

He added that Ukraine demands the immediate admission of representatives of Ukraine to the scene of events to study the situation and control the conditions of detention of captured Ukrainian defenders.

On the morning of July 29, russian propaganda media announced the shelling of the colony in Olenivka, the Donetsk region, where Ukrainian prisoners are held.

More than 50 deaths have been reported.

Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.

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