In an interview with the BBC, Zelenska spoke about her attitude to negative comments and increased attention to herself.
"Of course, in peaceful life, I am not used to excessive attention. But here in Ukraine, everyone has their own front. I use every opportunity to go out in public and talk to as many people as possible, to tell the truth about Ukraine. Therefore, there can be no sentiments here. It is a job, and I have to do it," she said.
"You know, I will repeat that I use every opportunity to talk about the war. It was a huge opportunity because Vogue is read by tens of millions of people all over the world… And to talk to them directly, it was my duty… There will always be someone criticizing. But I believe it is better to do something and get criticized than do nothing," the first lady said.
We will remind you that due to the pose in one of the photos, Zelenska was criticized on the Internet.
However, in support of the first lady, a flash mob was started, which was joined, in particular, by many famous Ukrainian women.
Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.
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