18:24 28 Jul 2022

Coca-Cola to stop producing Sprite in green bottles from August

Новий дизайн пляшок Sprite ФОТ0: COCA-COLA

As of August 1, Coca-Cola will completely abandon the use of green plastic in producing Sprite beverage bottles and replace it with transparent plastic as part of a new environmental policy.

It is reported by CNN Business with reference to the company's statement.

In this way, Coca-Cola aims to simplify the packaging recycling process and reduce the amount of plastic waste.

It is noted that the plastic that Coca-Cola uses now contains an additive – green polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Because of the dye, Sprite bottles cannot be recycled for reuse with most clear packages — it colors the entire raw material green.

The transition to transparent plastic will help the manufacturer to facilitate the recycling process and reduce the amount of waste in the long run, CNN Business explains.

"Abandoning dyes will improve the quality of the recycled material.

The transparent Sprite packaging will be able to be recycled into a new one; thus, the company will contribute to the development of the economy of the closed cycle of the use of plastic," said Julian Ochoa, CEO of R3CYCLE, which deals with issues of secondary use and recycling for Coca-Cola.

In addition, Coca-Cola has updated the logo and design of Sprite bottles – the trademark green shade will remain on the drink's labels.

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