The headquarters includes a large number of Ukrainian institutes: institutes of the Academy of Sciences, departmental institutes of the Ministry of Natural Resources, universities, independent non-governmental institutions, as well as foreign partner institutions. It unites scientists and experts from various disciplines: oceanographers, climatologists, biologists, economists, etc.
However, scientists have not yet provided preliminary estimates of the consequences of the war:
"Every day, we come across some new incidents," says the staff expert, leading researcher of Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology Pavlo Holdin.
Other scientists, in particular, employees of the Tuzly Lagoons National Nature Park, emphasize that at this stage, all environmental changes are carefully recorded, and it is still impossible to outline the already caused consequences since the numbers are constantly changing and growing.
The task of the headquarters is to create methods they can use to assess the effects of war on the environment, which Ukraine can take to court.
Read more about this in Rubryka's article dedicated to this topic.
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