The US calls on Kyiv to appoint a reliable prosecutor general and continue fighting corruption

The United States called on Ukraine to choose a trustworthy prosecutor general instead of the one fired by President Volodymyr Zelensky

State Department Spokesperson Ned Price stated this during the press briefing.

"We join the people of Ukraine in emphasizing the importance of transparently appointing a highly qualified and truly independent successor as prosecutor general," Price said. 

He added that the US continued to monitor the situation closely.

"The independence and impartiality of the prosecutor general are vital to ensuring the integrity of accountability efforts in Ukraine. The judicial system must be fair, impartial, and independent to ensure that both victims and the accused receive justice. And the recent final selection of the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor was an encouraging sign, and we look forward to a swift appointment," he said.

Spokesperson Price added that the State Department hopes the momentum continues with Ukraine selecting an independent prosecutor general who meets high standards of professional ethics and personal integrity.

The spokesperson also called for measures to be taken against corruption, even while fighting the russian invaders.

"russia's war against Ukraine poses an external threat, but corruption poses an internal threat, and the threat that corruption poses can be corrosive to democracy, to sovereignty, to the freedoms that the people of Ukraine so desperately wish to retain," he said.

Price said the fight against corruption, which has long been a significant problem in Ukraine, is critical as the country seeks membership in the European Union.

"Ukraine knows it still has work to do even as it continues to face Russia's brutal attacks. And together with our partners and allies, we'll continue to stand with our Ukrainian partners as they stand up to all threats, external and internal, to their chosen democratic path, and we'll continue to stand with Ukraine in its ongoing efforts to advance democratic and human rights reforms," Ned Price emphasized.

As Rubryka reported, Zelensky announced that he was firing Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova, as well as the head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Ivan Bakanov.

Zelensky emphasized the need to act against officials suspected of treason who support russia.

Earlier, EU Ambassador Matti Maasikas said that removing the Prosecutor General should not affect the investigation of russia's war crimes.

Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.

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