Almost 200 hectares of crops caught fire in the Kherson region due to russia’s strikes

In the Kherson region, more than 200 hectares of crops worth almost three million hryvnias were destroyed in a day due to russian shelling of fields.

The police of the Kherson region reported this on Facebook.

"The military personnel of the russian federation shelled a field of winter barley near the village of Chornobayivka. Almost 200 hectares of crops caught fire as a result of the strikes. The crop was destroyed," the report says.

It is noted that the material damages amount to more than 2 million 600 thousand hryvnias.

Also, near the village of Preobrazhenka, winter barley crops caught fire due to artillery shelling by russian troops. 50% of the field was burned, and the material damage amounts to more than 600 thousand hryvnias, the police informed.

Over the past day, the police opened 25 criminal proceedings on the facts of war crimes committed by the russian army in the territory of the Kherson region. Among them are collaborative activities, people kidnapping, shelling settlements with civilian casualties, stealing civilian vehicles by the occupiers, and fires in the fields due to the impact of shells.

Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.

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