The head of the International Society, Lawrence Heller, speaking from the press center of the Office of the Prime Minister of Great Britain (London), noted that these days some events and phenomena have not happened since the time of Winston Churchill 80 years ago.
"Democracy in Europe is now under the threat of tyranny, and this threat is stopped by leadership and heroism. Like Winston Churchill, President Zelensky shows that tyranny must not succeed, that people must have the right to choose their own path and life," he said.
According to him, Volodymyr Zelensky's devotion to the fundamental principles of democracy and firmness in defending his country helps Europe understand itself, and "his defense of democracy inspires us all."
Lawrence Heller also noted the role of Great Britain under the leadership of Prime Minister Boris Johnson in strengthening the ability of democracy to defend itself and deter aggression.
For his part, Boris Johnson noted that after the start of russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky proved his leadership.
"When the russians began to advance on Kyiv, you knew that you would be their target. You could have left Kyiv because the Ukrainian state's survival then depended on its President's survival. But you chose to stay in Kyiv, with the Ukrainian people, just as Churchill stayed in London in 1940. And you said then: 'I need ammunition, not a ride,'" the head of the British government recalled.
According to him, Volodymyr Zelensky, like Winston Churchill at one time, overcomes extremely difficult challenges and inspires with his leadership.
"And like Churchill, you've understood that you are not yourself the lion, the Ukrainian people are the lion, but you have been called upon to roar, the roar of freedom against tyranny, good against evil, of light against darkness.
And you have delivered that roar magnificently, and that's why it was such a huge stroke of good fortune that you should have been in office at this time of crisis for Ukraine and the world.
And inspired by your leadership, I know not just that Ukraine can win, but Ukraine will win, and when that day comes, as it will, Ukraine will rise and take its place, as a free sovereign and independent nation," the Prime Minister of Great Britain emphasized.
Thanking for the award, the President of Ukraine noted that this award represents not only his efforts but also the heroism of tens of thousands of Ukrainian men and women who distinguished themselves in battles with the Russian aggressor.
"This award would have been impossible if the entire Ukrainian people had not risen to defend freedom from the attack of tyranny," emphasized Volodymyr Zelensky.
He also expressed his conviction that Ukrainians and European history will never forget those who did not hesitate to come to the aid of the Ukrainian people and the idea of freedom in general. In particular, the President noted Boris Johnson's leadership.
According to the head of the state, now we are fighting not just for the land, the rights of people, or the Ukrainian people, not just for freedom in Europe — we are fighting together so that no aggressor ever again considers war as a means to achieve aggressive goals.
"And perhaps for the first time in the history of humanity, we are now able to show everyone in the world and for a long time that democracies, united, can stop any tyranny, even if at first it seems that it has unlimited resources for aggression. But it can become a reality only if russia loses on the battlefield in Ukraine," Volodymyr Zelensky said.
In this regard, he called for continuing the supply of modern and effective weapons to Ukraine in sufficient quantities, strengthening sanctions against russia, and involving more nations in the coalition to protect freedom, especially those against whom russia decided to use artificial starvation in the 21st century.
"The democracies of the world can stop any tyranny. We can stop any evil that threatens our freedom. Only the joint leadership of the free world can be enough to do this. And patience must be enough. Patience is the way to victory. Nobody knows today how much time and effort it will take to reach it. However, the victory is worth reaching. And will become our shared history with you. So great that you and I will be quoted later in the same way as we are now quoting Sir Churchill," Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized.
The award, which was given to the Head of the Ukrainian State, was handed over to the Ambassador of Ukraine to Great Britain, Vadym Prystaiko, to deliver it to his homeland.
Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.
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