Baby meerkats born in Kharkiv Zoo

Baby meerkats born in Kharkiv Zoo
They now leave their small house while their parents try to hide them.
"These species have a lot of enemies in the wildlife, which is why they stand on hind legs looking out for predators. The female protects her cubs and doesn't let them go," the zoo workers said.
The press service of Kharkiv City Hall posted a video of baby meerkats and their caring parents.
З початку повномасштабного вторгнення Росії в Українку, співробітникам Харківського звіринця доводиться ночувати в зоопарку, щоб допомогти тваринам пережити обстріли. Наприклад, тут включають музику і фонтани, щоб заглушити звуки вибухів, а скляні вольєри забили фанерою, щоб тварини не поранилися осколками.
Since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine, employees of the Kharkiv Zoo have had to spend the night at the zoo to help the animals survive the shelling. For example, music and fountains are turned on here to stifle the sounds of explosions, and glass enclosures were covered with plywood so the animals wouldn't be injured by shrapnel.