British intelligence: russian troops struggle to extract and repair military equipment

russian forces continue to experience difficulties repairing thousands of combat vehicles damaged in the fighting in Ukraine

The UK's Ministry of Defense announced it, citing intelligence data.

"In addition to its well-documented personnel problems, Russia likely continues to struggle to extract and repair the thousands of combat vehicles which have been damaged in action in Ukraine," the report says.

The British intelligence noted that on July 18, intelligence identified a russian military equipment repair base near the village of Barvinok in the Belgorod oblast, 10 km from the border with Ukraine.

"At least 300 damaged vehicles were present, including main battle tanks, armored personnel carriers, and general support trucks," the agency added.

The report also mentions that now in the east of Ukraine and the Kherson direction, there are ongoing battles without results for the russians.

"Russian commanders continue to face a dilemma; whether to resource the offensive in the east, or to bolster the defense in the west," the British Ministry of Defense stated.

Earlier, the UK's Ministry of Defense said the supply lines of the russian force west of the Dnipro are increasingly at risk. Ukrainian troops made additional strikes on the critical Antonivka Bridge in occupied Kherson, causing further damage.

After Ukrainian forces captured the pilot of a Russian Su-25 FROGFOOT ground attack jet shot down on June 17, they established that it was a former Russian air force major employed as a Wagner military contractor and had flown several missions during the war. The UK's Ministry of Defense believes the use of retired personnel, now working as Wagner contractors, to conduct close air support missions indicates that the russian air force likely is struggling to support the invasion of Ukraine with sufficient aircrew.

Then the British intelligence reported that russia's Wagner mercenaries suffered heavy losses in Donbas battles

The head of the UK's armed forces said russia had already "strategically lost" the war in Ukraine and is now a "more diminished power." Admiral Sir Tony Radakin said russia was suffering heavy losses, running out of troops and advanced missiles, and would never be able to take over all of Ukraine.

Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.

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