This is evidenced by the latest update.
Ukrainian passport holders can travel visa-free or visa-on-arrival to 144 countries.
It is noted that Ukraine shares the 35th position with Macau.
The ranking is topped by Japan, whose citizens can visit 193 countries. Runners-up are Singapore and South Korea, whose citizens are able to visit 192 countries with visa-free access. The trio is rounded off by Germany and Spain, whose citizens can travel this way to 190 countries.
The Henley&Partners Passport Index each quarter analyzes the visa regulations of 227 countries and territories, ranking them by the number of visa-free entry destinations.
The ranking has been compiled for more than 10 years in cooperation with the International Air Transport Association (IATA), which maintains the world's largest travel information database.
A country's position in the ranking is determined by the number of countries that its citizens can enter without obtaining a visa (without a visa or with a visa upon arrival). Passports of all considered countries shall be biometric.
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