It is said in the statement of Europol.
"Europol is working closely with Ukrainian officials to mitigate the threat of arms trafficking into the European Union. We have full confidence in them as they implement new measures to monitor and track these firearms," the statement said.
It is noted that Ukraine continues to cooperate with Europol in matters of interest to the EU's internal security, despite the continuation of russia's military aggression.
Europol believes that a potential threat seen in war zones in the past is that firearms can fall into the wrong hands.
"A potential threat observed in war zones in the past is that firearms can fall into the wrong hands. Regarding the war in Ukraine, Europol has warned that the proliferation of firearms and explosives in Ukraine could lead to an increase in firearms and munitions trafficked into the EU via established smuggling routes or online platforms. This threat might even be higher once the conflict has ended," the message stated.
Earlier, Europol reported signs of arms smuggling from Ukraine.
Zelensky explained the spread of rumors about "arms smuggling."
Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.
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