The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine reports this on Telegram.
"Ukraine's first NFT war museum has already collected more than $1 million from selling two Warline NFT collections. Each exhibit tells about the course of the war from the beginning of russia's invasion," the message reads.
All proceeds go to the Aid For Ukraine crypto fund to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
"We have already purchased vehicles for the front line, equipment, and a lot of necessary ammunition for our defenders. Today, the project team released the third Warline NFT collection. It is already available on the museum's website," the message said.
As reported, the Museum of Metahistory was launched by the NFT community with the support of the Ministry of Digital.
As Rubryka reported earlier, Ukraine has launched the first NFT museum to help tell the truth about russia's war crimes.
It was announced by the head of the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov.
"Ukraine's first NFT war museum has been launched. It will help spread the truth about Russian war crimes against Ukrainians. The NFT museum combines blockchain technology, art, and the recording of historical facts," he said.
The Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Ukrainian blockchain community implemented the project. You can go to the virtual museum on the website.
The works are presented digitally as NFT tokens. Anyone can purchase them, and the proceeds from the collection sale will be transferred to the official Ethereum wallet of the Ministry for humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
"The entire world should know about russia's war crimes against Ukraine," Mykhailo Fedorov said.
On the first day, the NFT War Museum raised more than $600,000 in support of Ukraine on the first day of selling virtual exhibits.
"The world's first NFT war museum collected more than 600,000 dollars in support of Ukraine. The museum collected this amount on the first day of selling virtual exhibits. A total of 1,282 digital works of art were purchased.
The collected funds will go to the cryptocurrency fund, created by the Ukrainian crypto exchange KUNA, to support the Ukrainian army and the digital and cyber resistance," Fedorov wrote.
"We became the first to combine blockchain technology and modern art to document the historical truth about the russian federation's war against Ukraine.
You can visit the NFT museum or purchase a digital artwork using the link," he added.
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