Фото: Ілюстративне
The official representative of the DB Cargo company, a "daughter" of the concern, announced it, DW reports.
As noted, most of the cargo will come through Romania.
The publication reports that the German concern will begin transporting Ukrainian grain to German ports for further transportation to other countries.
To do this, it plans to reorient the network created to deliver humanitarian aid.
In particular, the company will deliver the grain to the ports of Rostock, Hamburg, and Brake, located near Bremerhaven.
"Most cargo will come through Romania, which has a long border with Ukraine and has the infrastructure necessary for transporting agricultural products.
Another part of the cargo is planned to be transported through Poland," the message emphasized.
"We will try to transport as much grain as possible," said the representative of DB Cargo, without naming specific volumes.
Reuters reports that Deutsche Bahn plans to send several rail trains a week.
The russian military fleet is blocking sea routes to the ports of Ukraine on the Black Sea coast, making it impossible to transport grain to other countries safely.
As a result, agricultural exporters had to reorient themselves to river ports and overland routes—road transport and railways.
It was possible to export more than 2 million tons of agricultural products in June. Before the war, monthly exports reached 5–6 million tons.
During the meeting between Ukraine, the UN, russia, and Turkey in Istanbul, the parties agreed on unblocking three Ukrainian ports to export grain.
The corresponding corridor should become operational this week after the document's signing to create it.
Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.
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