Ciklum strengthens its EU presence with a new delivery center in Romania

Ciklum continues its strategy of geographical expansion and further business growth thanks to a strong pool of IT talents in Eastern Europe

Ciklum, a global digital product development and digital services company, has opened a new delivery hub in Romania. It continues the company's strategy of developing strong IT potential and boosting local development centres and professional communities in the CEE region.

The delivery hub in Romania builds on the success of the last year's acquisition of the CN Group, the Czech software developer. The company that joined the Ciklum group has long been present in Central Europe, including Romania. The new office has started operating under the Ciklum brand. Ciklum Romania is to benefit from the synergy of CN Group's achievements and local expertise with Ciklum's global aspirations and experience.

The Ciklum team in Romania already unites several dozen professionals working on end-to-end development of innovative solutions for well-known brands in various industries. This year, the company plans to multiply the number of specialists in the Romanian centre.

"After the acquisition of the Czech CN Group, which also cooperates with Romanian developers, establishing a new delivery hub under the Ciklum brand was only a matter of time for us. We know about the strong talent pool in Eastern and Central Europe – thousands of our colleagues work from Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. Now we can confidently add Romania to this list. We are sure that Ciklum's experience in the global IT industry will open up many opportunities for local talent to grow professionally and refresh the local IT community," said Andriy Oksenyuk, CFO, Ciklum.

Thanks to the well-established cooperation processes within multinational teams and continuous knowledge-sharing across different locations, Ciklum is confident about the successful development of the new centre. The company believes that building a broad professional network that combines local expertise and a global business vision is the key to sustainable business growth.

A few months ago, Ciklum also opened a delivery hub in Sofia, Bulgaria, which already brings together more than 100 professionals.

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