Massive fires raging in Western Europe amid abnormal heatwave

Most of Western Europe is suffering from the sweltering heat, many countries have broken temperature records, and large-scale fires are raging

The BBC reports.

The publication reported that record high temperatures were recorded in 64 areas in France on Monday.

Although the heat didn't exceed the record high for mainland France, the southwest of the country saw its worst forest fires in 30 years.

Since July 12, fires have covered more than 20,300 hectares of the Gironde wine region. About 37,000 people had to be evacuated from their homes.

According to the BBC, Tuesday was Germany's hottest day of 2022.

The National Meteorological Service recorded +39.5 degrees in the western city of Duisburg. Forecasters said that the Netherlands also reached the same maximum of +39.5°C in Maastricht.

In addition, Great Britain, which is usually used to a milder climate, recorded a temperature above +40 degrees for the first time.

As a result of a large fire in the east of London, houses caught fire.

Residents who had to evacuate said about eight homes were destroyed in the fire, and a firefighter who arrived at the scene described it as "absolute hell."

In Greece, a forest fire caused by hurricane-force winds raged in the mountainous region of Penteli, near Athens. It damaged homes and prompted local authorities to evacuate at least four neighborhoods and a hospital.

Forecasters in Italy warn of an increase in temperature to +40-42 degrees from Wednesday to Friday.

Several forest fires were already reported in the country, and the fires that broke out on Monday evening in Tuscany were still raging on Tuesday afternoon.

Central and northwestern Spain were also affected by forest fires.

The Copernicus monitoring service, part of the EU's Earth observation program, said total carbon emissions from forest fires between June and July were the highest in Spain since 2003.

In Belgium, a fire broke out in the dunes at the resort of De Haan, resulting in several cars catching fire. But after the heat, the country is now preparing for thunderstorms that could bring some regions 20-30 mm of rain.

The temperature in Portugal has also dropped significantly.

However, more than 1,000 heat-related deaths have been reported since last week.

Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.

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