President Zelensky gave his first interview to Latin American media

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi gave his first interview for a Latin American media

Rubryka reports, referring to Zelensky's Telegram.

As the head of state noted, on the air of the Brazilian TV channel Globo, he spoke frankly about the conversation with the President of Brazil.

He also reported on the relations between the states.

But he emphasized that the leaders of Latin American countries could not remain in a neutral position during this war.

According to the head of the Ukrainian state, we can compare Brazil's neutrality about full-scale russian aggression in Ukraine to the inaction of individual states at the beginning of the Second World War.

As Rubryka reported, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, had a telephone conversation with his Brazilian colleague, Jair Bolsonaro.

In particular, the parties discussed the restoration of Ukrainian grain exports.

"I informed (Bolsonar – ed.) about the situation at the front. We discussed the importance of resuming the export of Ukrainian grain to prevent the global food crisis provoked by russia," Zelensky said after the negotiations.

We will remind you that in April, Brazil announced it would provide Ukraine with 300,000 shells for the German Gepard. According to German media, this was a problem because Kraus-Maffei Wegmann only had 23,000 rounds in its warehouses.


As with many countries, russia's war in Ukraine influenced the economies and everyday lives of Latin Americans. Latin American countries, weakened by the coronavirus pandemic, face again rising food and energy prices and increasing inflation across the continent. While russia's war has an impact on Latin America, the countries are reluctant to even condemn russia, let alone sanction it.

Nearly every Latin American country was against the US war in Afghanistan in 2001 and the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, but with russia, they are almost silent. Despite the Latin American states having a position against the use of force against weaker states, governments have been neutral and didn't respond to russia's invasion of Ukraine in a real way.

Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.

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