Only 6% of residents of Mariupol, temporarily captured by russian troops, left for russia

Only 6% of the residents of Mariupol, temporarily captured by russian troops, left for russia.

Mariupol mayor Vadym Boychenko announced this at a briefing, Ukrinform reports.

"How many Mariupol residents left for russia is a small number, a small percentage, only 6%. But we must understand that this is also deportation. That these are not only those people who left for russia, but primarily those who were deported, who were forced to leave for russia," the mayor said.

He noted that these people today are looking for an opportunity to leave russia and return to Ukraine, and there are many of them.

"And, thanks to all the volunteers who are helping us, Ukrainians, to return to Ukraine today in russia. And there are many such cases now — people first leave for the Baltic States or Georgia and then move towards Ukraine. Different ways are used by our Ukrainians today," Boychenko said.

The mayor reminded that the russians did not allow the Mariupol residents to leave in Ukraine's direction but only allowed them to leave in the direction of russia. That is, they were deported to russia.

According to Boychenko, there are approximately four thousand residents of Mariupol abroad today — these are those who left for Poland and other European countries.

And in the Ukrainian-controlled part of the state today, there are more than 200,000 residents. It can be seen through the support centers for Mariupol residents ("YAMariupol") and billing.

"Unfortunately, more than 100,000 people remain in the city of Mariupol, according to our estimate, 120,000 local people. And about 20,000 live on the outskirts of the city of Mariupol. In these statistics, 70% are elderly who are not able, from the point of view of their health, to travel to Ukraine. And we must create these conditions together with the UN and the Red Cross," Boychenko stated.

He called on international organizations to unite to solve the problem of the departure of Mariupol residents from the city captured by the russians.

Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.

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