The relevant statement was made by Kyiv Regional Military Administration Head Oleksii Kuleba on Telegram.
The movie will consist of three parts and have a speaking title of ZLO [evil].
"Together with the film crew, we walked through one of the most damaged residential areas in Irpin. I remembered how on the morning of February 24 I answered the phone and heard explosions in the background of the conversation. I was told that hostilities are underway all over the border. The forces coming from the Belarusian side were several times greater than ours. At 05:30 a.m., I arrived at the workplace, where I stayed until mid-March – it was one hard long day," Kuleba noted.
Kuleba also spoke of the visits paid by foreign delegations to see the ruins of Kyiv Region's settlements, which started as soon as these areas were liberated in April 2022.
"Now Kyiv Region has been liberated from rashists, but Ukraine continues to fight against the occupiers. I believe we will win," Kuleba stressed.
A reminder that, on February 24, 2022, Russia started a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
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