She started practicing this type of art four years ago, Suspilne reports.
According to Iryna, she teaches this to children and gives master classes to adults.
"Everything starts with coffee. My communication with my inner world also started with coffee. My very first work was an image of a bird. The coffee just casually splashed around and the image was created from those splashes.", the artist said.
Iryna painted the House of Children's and Youth Creativity, where she works, with coffee. She also decorates cookies with different shades of coffee. She says that creating a picture requires water, coffee, and inspiration.
"We don't paint with color. We paint with coffee and its shades. And we paint with mood. Coffee is not just a drink. Drawing is in my blood, it was passed down genetically from my father. I continue his work, which he couldn't keep up with.", Iryna said.
She teaches children to draw with coffee and conducts master classes for adults, Oksana Vasylyk, the director of the House of Children's and Youth Creativity, said.
"I saw great potential in her. She is a young, ambitious, promising, and very talented artist. She contacted us to work unconventionally. The more unconventional details in the work presented, the more effectively you can interest children. She can draw something fascinating from any available material.", the director said.
Iryna Gladun says that you can create different pictures with coffee. The drink gives shades from light yellow to dark brown. She dreams of presenting her works at an international exhibition.
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