The Heinrich Böll Foundation reported this. The organization and the mayor's office of the German city of Bremen are awarding this prize.
The award, worth 10,000 euros, will be presented on December 2, 2022, in the historic town hall of Bremen.
The jury recognized Zhadan as "a great storyteller who continues the tradition of Central European literature and revolutionizes it."
"The insights that Serhii Zhadan gives his readers into Ukrainian society and the way he talks about surviving in the war (of 2014) is unique in recent European society literature.
In his books, the readers learn how a mass of shattered individuals traumatized by war and misery grows again and again in solidarity with civil energy. Zhadan not only describes the Ukrainian world but also helps to understand it, in all its chaos, suffering, and humanity," the jury's statement says.
The jury adds that Zhadan is an outstanding citizen in the Arendtian sense, who cares about the society in which he lives and works by actively helping to ensure that the citizens do not lose heart under russia's war of aggression.
Serhii Zhadan says that all the worldwide awards received by Ukrainian art are primarily for readers, listeners, and viewers. Millions of Ukrainians affirm Ukraine in the world through their struggle.
"It is a great honor to be involved with this nation and culture. Thank you all again," he wrote.
We will remind you that the Ukrainian poet Lina Kostenko received the highest award in France, the Order of the Legion of Honor.
The Hannah Arendt Prize is awarded by the City of Bremen and the Heinrich Böll Foundation and is endowed with 10,000 euros. It is awarded to people who take the "risk of publicity" with a courageous intervention. This annual award was created to honor individuals who identify critical and unseen aspects of current political events and who are not afraid to enter the public realm by presenting their opinion in controversial political discussions.
Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.
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