Ukrainian scientists staged a boycott against russians at the European Radiological Congress

"Don't be silent! Don't be silent with us!". With this appeal, Ukrainian scientists boycotted the European Congress of Radiology (ECR), which was held yesterday in Vienna (Austria).

Representatives of the Ukrainian radiologist delegation, including scientists from the National Cancer Institute, expressed their protest over the fact that representatives of the aggressor country were allowed to participate in the forum.

The news about this surprised and angered Ukrainians before the start of the congress. When russia's attack on Vinnytsia occurred on the day of the event, our scientists openly boycotted it.

The protest took place right during the speech of the speaker from russia. Ukrainians held our flag and banners reading "Russia is killing our children right now."

"We call on the entire world community. Don't be silent," Oksana Gavrylyuk, head of the radiation diagnostics department with X-ray rooms of the National Cancer Institute, said. "Because we have never been silent and we won't be silent. Every day russia is doing everything to destroy Ukraine. People are dying in our country. We must stop these killings! We must deprive Russians of their right to vote at all political and scientific levels. We are doctors, who took the Hippocratic Oath and swore to save people. And they kill Ukrainians every day. So let's do everything in our power to stop them."

Ukrainian radiologists call on their colleagues worldwide to boycott Russian speakers' participation in scientific events, congresses, forums, and conferences of any level. Do not be silent. Do not be silent with us!

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