85 members of the city council approved the decision, Vitaliy Klychko reported.
According to the mayor of Kyiv, they worked on the project of this decision together with activist Roman Ratushny, who died in the battles for Izium in the Kharkiv region.
"The creation of the nature reserve is a tribute to the memory of Roman Ratushny and citizens who fought for this green zone. "Protasiv Yar" was saved from construction. It's a land reserve and it will bring joy to many generations of citizens.
In June 2021, the Kyiv City Council decided to oppose the decision of the District Administrative Court of Kyiv regarding the construction of Protasiv Yar.
The district court allowed the construction back in September 2019. "Daytona Group" LLC was going to build a multifunctional complex Tourbillon in the area behind Mykola Amosov Street. In December 2019, the Kyiv City Council appealed this decision. Local residents also opposed the construction.
In 2020, the Kyiv City Council returned the land to the status of a green zone, which isn't a subject to construction. The District Court found this decision wrongful, but the Sixth Administrative Court of Appeals upheld the KCC.
In the end, the case was transferred to the Supreme Court, which in January 2022 confirmed the legality of the Kyiv City Council's decision to prohibit construction in Protasiv Yar.
The developer filed an appeal against this decision, but the Supreme Court refused to satisfy it and upheld the decision of the court of first instance, declaring the developer's sublease agreement invalid.
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