russia “losing momentum” in Donbas – British intelligence

Over the past three days, russian troops in Donbas have not made any significant progress

Rubryka reports, citing the intelligence review of the British Ministry of Defense.

British intelligence officers also noted that russia risked losing the momentum it had after the occupation of Lysychansk.

British intelligence reported that russian troops in Donbas continued to conduct artillery strikes on a broad front.

In some areas, they're probing assaults by small company and platoon-sized units.

However, as the intelligence officers emphasize, in the last 72 hours, they haven't achieved any significant progress and "are in danger of losing any momentum built up following the capture of Lysychansk."

"The ageing vehicles, weapons, and Soviet-era tactics used by Russian forces do not lend themselves to quickly regaining or building momentum unless used in overwhelming mass—which Russia is currently unable to bring to bear," the review notes.

British intelligence also adds that the prospects for negotiations to end the war look unlikely, despite the success of recent talks on the export of grain and the recent successful completion of the exchange of prisoners.

The review previously reported that russia would most likely focus on capturing small towns like Siversk and Dolyna, on the approaches to Sloviansk and Kramatorsk.

They also noted that the russian military personnel shortages might force them to turn to non-traditional recruitment. This includes recruiting personnel from russian prisons for the Wagner Private Military Company. 

"If true, this move likely indicates difficulties in replacing the significant numbers of Russian casualties, " the statement said.

Also, the British intelligence reported on russia's important goal—the Donetsk-Kharkiv route.

Earlier, British intelligence reported that russia was probably preparing for a new offensive in Ukraine, drawing reserves from various regions to the russian-Ukrainian border.

Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.

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