Canada allowed Nord Stream-1 turbines to be repaired in its territory for two years

Ottawa's deal to repair russian-owned turbines covers a period of up to two years and will allow the import and re-export of up to six units

It is reported by The Globe and Mail with reference to two government sources.

As noted in the publication, this is a much larger arrangement than previously reported.

According to The Globe and Mail, Canada's Ministry of the Interior has granted German industrial giant Siemens Energy a two-year exemption from sanctions against russia.

This allows the company to ship Nord Stream 1 turbines to Siemens Canada's facilities in Montreal for regular repair and maintenance.

It should be noted that the controlling stake in the gas pipeline belongs to the russian state-controlled Gazprom.

One of the officials emphasized that the agreement with Siemens allows the Canadian government to withdraw the authorization to lift the sanctions at any time.

Ambassador of Ukraine to Canada Yuliya Kovaliv expressed her disappointment with the two-year agreement.

"Revenues from gas and oil directly support the russian army. To hesitate even for two years and show that Gazprom can get what it wants is a dangerous precedent," she emphasized.

According to sources, one of the turbines stuck in Montreal due to sanctions against Gazprom is being sent back to Europe.

The remaining five will be sent to Siemens Canada over the next two years for regular maintenance, the publication added.

Siemens Canada will send the turbine equipment to Germany, whose government will then transfer it to russia. An indirect return route could allow Canada to claim that it has not violated sanctions.

As Rubryka reported, the World Congress of Ukrainians, an organization of the Ukrainian diaspora, filed a lawsuit in Canada in connection with the government's decision to hand over the Siemens turbine for Nord Stream after maintenance, despite sanctions.

As Rubryka wrote, the Canadian government previously announced that it would make an exception to the sanctions against russia.

It should be recalled that Ukraine urged Canada not to give in to the kremlin's blackmail and, after the decision, summoned the head of the Canadian embassy.

The EU stated that Canada did not violate sanctions by giving the turbine for the russian gas pipeline.

In turn, Scholz thanked the Canadian government for the sanctions exemption for Gazprom despite Ukraine's resistance.

As Rubryka reported, on June 14, Gazprom announced that it would reduce gas supplies to Germany through the Nord Stream pipeline by approximately 40%.

Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression. 

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