Missile attack on southern Mykolaiv: russians hit two medical facilities

At dawn on July 12, the russian army attacked Mykolaiv again: they targeted two medical institutions and residential buildings

Rubryka reports, referring to Mykolaiv Mayor Oleksandr Sienkovych, the head of the regional military administration, Vitalii Kim, NikVesti, and BBC reporter Sarah Rainsford.

As Rubryka wrote, at 04:15, Mayor Sienkovych reported that powerful explosions were heard in Mykolaiv.

Subsequently, NikVesti reported that at about 4 am, the russians shelled Mykolaiv.

Photo by NikVesti

Residential buildings were again damaged. Several fires broke out at the place of the missile attack.

Photo by NikVesti

Journalist Sara Rainsford reported at least seven explosions in Mykolaiv in the morning.

"On the morning of July 12, Mykolaiv was subjected to massive rocket fire.

We know so far that two medical institutions and residential buildings were hit.

Photo by NikVesti

As a result of the shelling, four people were wounded. Preliminarily, there were no deaths. Detailed information is being clarified," the head of the region wrote in the statement.

Photo by NikVesti

Kim also noted that Bashtanska and Mykolaiv districts were shelled.

On the evening of July 11, around 7:00 p.m., and today, July 12, approximately at 04:30 a.m., there were shellings in the Shyroke community. There are no casualties. Most of the hits were outside the population centers and in open areas.

As a result of shelling, private agriculture, agricultural machinery, and a residential building were damaged in the Pervomaiske of the Pervomaiske community. There are no casualties.

We will remind you that during yesterday's enemy shelling in Kharkiv, 31 people were injured, including two children aged 4 and 16.

Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.

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