Veterinarians from Odesa save Ukrainian soldiers from snakes near Kherson

Beware of snakes! The period of summer heat is the active season for reptiles.

Veterinary specialists from Odesa, Leonid and Valentina Stoyanovy, have been helping all animals in need since the first day of the full-scale invasion. A brave couple of specialists went to Kherson to hand over first aid kits for possible viper bites to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"Now, with the rise of temperature, the number of people stumbling upon snakes has increased. For example, the yellow-bellied snake (lat. Dolichophis caspius) can be found in the south of Ukraine. It is a rather large snake, 180 cm long, but it isn't poisonous. It can be very aggressive. The main thing is to not attempt to catch it, but let it move its way. Also, you can find water snakes (lat. Natrix tessellata), which are harmless. There are no poisonous snakes in the Odesa region, unlike in Kherson. There you can find a steppe viper (lat. Vipera ursinii), but civilians rarely spot it, unlike the warriors. We helped to collect about 100 first aid kits for snake bites for our armed forces.", the vets said.

Self-defense is a reason for a viper's bite if a person accidentally steps on it, sits, or takes it in his hands.

How to behave when bitten:

  • Ask for help;
  • Don't be nervous. Avoid dynamic movements, as muscle contractions increase the rate of poison absorption;
  • Drink 2-3 liters of water;
  • Take antihistamines and painkillers (except aspirin).

It is strictly forbidden to:

  • Put a tourniquet on the affected limb;
  • Cauterize, press, or cut the bite spot;
  • Drink alcohol.

We remind you that first medical aid will ensure a quick recovery. Be attentive and take care of yourself!

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