On Friday, July 8, the sale of a coin of two euros, dedicated to Ukraine, began in Estonia. The proceeds from its sales will be transferred to support the struggle for the freedom of Ukraine.
This was reported by the press service of the Central Bank of Estonia.
The coin was designed by Daria Titova, a Ukrainian immigrant studying at the Estonian Academy of Arts . The girl is from Kharkov.
"I felt bad and I felt guilty because I wake up under the rays of the sun, while many Ukrainians wake up to the sound of rockets and bombs. To express this feeling, I drew a girl on the coin , which protects the bird in the hand," the author said.
The coin depicts a girl as a symbol of tenderness, which in turn protects the bird in the palm of her hand. Ears of grain are also depicted on the coin.
The price of a Ukrainian coin card with a face value of 2 euros is 18 euros. Up to 50 cards can be purchased at the Omniva Online Store at the same time. A total of 40,000 cards are on sale.
The Bank plans to transfer the received funds to Ukraine after it calculates taxes and expenses associated with the sales channel. The bank is ready to increase the initial circulation if demand is higher.
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