He stated this in an interview with the American CNN channel.
"If our state is united, as it is now. If powerful weapons come from our partners in time, luck and God are on our side — then we will be able to do many things by the end of this year. I am sure we can complete the military part of this war. Because if we are strong, as I said, then we can come to the moment when russia has to sit down at the negotiating table!" Zelensky said.
Therefore, he believes that part of the territories temporarily occupied by the russian invaders will be returned to Ukraine through diplomatic means.
"We will fight for every piece of our territory. We may not return everything at once, some things are returned on the battlefield, and for this, we need to be technically secured. When we are technically secured, we will de-occupy our territories. But some territories of our land, we would like to believe, we will return diplomatically. The diplomatic way means fewer victims, but it takes more time. It may be so," Zelensky said.
The president emphasized that Ukrainians are not ready to give up their territories and recognize them as the territory of the russian federation.
"This is our land – we always say it and will prove it," he emphasized.
Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.
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