Over the past week, the Armed Forces destroyed 16 enemy positions with russian barracks and ammunition depots. In response, the russian occupying forces take an operational pause due to significant losses. It indicates the beginning of the war turning point.
Podolyak told Channel 24 about this.
"Therefore, a certain turning point in the war is already beginning. All because we are proving that we will attack warehouses and centers of operational control of army structures," he said.
The adviser to the head of the OP also added that for this "point" to be seen, the number of weapons on the front line should be respective.
"All this is necessary to build a war the right way," he explained.
According to him, international partners also understand that the parity of long-range weapons and artillery will allow the Armed Forces efficiently unblock Ukrainian territories.
Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.
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