Kremlin’s exacerbation: russia wants to convene and discuss “neo-Nazism” at UN Security Council – Ukraine’s Permanent Representative

russia decided to convene an informal Security Council meeting to discuss alleged "neo-Nazism" in Ukraine at the UN

Rubryka reports, citing the Twitter of Serhii Kyslytsia, Ukraine's ambassador to the UN, and his comments on the UP.

Kyslytsia believes that the russians are organizing another rampage of "putler youth" in New York.

We should note that the russian representatives at the UN decided to convene an informal meeting of the members of the UN Security Council on July 11 under the title: "Neo-Nazism and radical nationalism: a study of the root causes of the crisis in Ukraine."

"The summer exacerbation of aggressive mimicry is when the mission of the fascist country, which in terms of the scale of destruction of Ukrainian cities surpassed the Nazis and fascists, organizes another rant about 'neo-Nazis' in New York.

Seven dozen youth diplomats in the russian mission to the UN are giving Sieg Heil salute," wrote Ukraine's ambassador to the UN.

In addition, the russian invaders once again want to discuss the historical figures of Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevich, whose images are actively used by russian propaganda.

The russians once again claim that the Revolution of Dignity was accompanied by a "torch march" and draw attention to the love of Ukrainian soldiers for tattoos.

In addition, according to russian diplomats, who were often caught on the spread of fakes at the UN, Ukrainian defenders seem to "imitate" the torture methods of the Third Reich.

Earlier, the VOA reported that the US State Department recently sanctioned three more people linked to the terrorist group "Russian Imperial Movement" or RIM to counter the threat of violent extremism. Analysts say RIM is among several ultra-nationalist and white-supremacist groups used by the Kremlin to sow division in the United States and Europe even as it falsely claims to be fighting Nazis in Ukraine.

putin has said "De-Nazification" of Ukraine is one of his key objectives, and that it is the main justification for russia's invasion of Ukraine. The Kremlin media even brands all those who oppose russian aggression as "Neo-Nazis."

Later, the Kremlin and the pro-government media began to substitute certain concepts: "nationalists" and "Neo-Nazis" became synonymous with the Ukrainian army, volunteer battalions, and territorial defense forces, which have put up massive resistance against the russian invaders.

russian propaganda massively and indiscriminately brands all Ukrainians as Nazis in its smear campaign to dehumanize the Ukrainian nation in the eyes of the russians and justify in their eyes the atrocities committed against Ukrainians by the russian military. russia tries to discredit the Ukrainian government and Ukrainian resistance.

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