Photo: Facebook/CinC AF of Ukraine
Rubryka reports, citing his statement on Facebook.
"The help of brothers Poland and the Czech Republic is priceless for us.
Thanks to your tanks, we are fighting our common age-old enemy.
We are fighting for Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and Poland. For every meter of our Slavic land," the commander-in-chief noted.
Photo: Facebook/CinC AF of Ukraine
Zaluzhnyi also thanked the people of Poland and the Czech Republic for the help and support of the Ukrainian armed forces and the people who found refuge in these countries from russian attacks.
Photo: Facebook/CinC AF of Ukraine
"Together, we will stand through it. Your tanks are help from real brothers," the commander-in-chief emphasized.
Photo: Facebook/CinC AF of Ukraine
As Rubryka reported, Zaluzhnyi released a video of how Polish Krab self-propelled artillery units work at the front.
The commander-in-chief also showed how the M142 HIMARS multiple rocket launcher systems were working on the front lines.
As Rubryka wrote, Zaluzhnyi released a video of how the Ukrainian forces knocked out the russian military from Zmiinyi Island.
Since the aggression against Ukraine began, the russian invaders have lost 36,350 soldiers and 1,594 tanks.
Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.
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