It was reported by the correspondent of "European Pravda."
The head of the country also emphasized the need for reforms.
In his speech, Zelensky noted that Ukraine would offer its reconstruction plan as a common platform for all proposed initiatives.
"I am grateful to the European Commission for the initiative to create a specific European platform for Ukrainian reconstruction. However, all incentives, plans, and ambitions must be in a single system.
Therefore, Ukraine offers its national reconstruction plan, based on which it will be possible to implement every initiative," Zelensky said.
The president named the core principles of reconstruction, including:
Zelensky emphasized that Ukraine has received the status of a candidate for EU membership, which will require reforms.
"The movement towards full membership requires reforms, but the reconstruction of Ukraine also requires reforms. We still need to strengthen our institutions and update living standards.
Our goal is for Ukraine to become not only the freest European country but the most comfortable for life and business. We want to complete the political part of the work fastest of all those moving toward the European Union. We can do it," the president emphasized.
He added that the reconstruction of Ukraine "will be a great reform for us because we are all uniting the democratic world together."
As Rubryka reported, Zelensky also hinted to some members of the Ukrainian delegation at the conference in Lugano about returning to Ukraine.
"I thank you very much for your attention, and I invite you all to our country to work together. Together with us. At the very beginning, Mr. President (Switzerland's Ignazio, – ed.) said that there was a large, quite large delegation here. I also was surprised that the delegation was large," he said.
According to the results of the Lugano conference on Tuesday, the so-called Luhansk declaration on the principles of further cooperation is expected to be adopted.
More than 40 countries and more than 20 international organizations are invited to participate in the conference.
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