Zelensky addressed Japanese universities community: russia chose the path of war, Ukraine fights for peace

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the Japanese university community

Rubryka informs about this, referring to the OPU.

The head of state reminded that for more than four months, Japan has been seeing, hearing, and reading news with the headlines "War in Ukraine."

"This is a war in Ukraine that the russian federation started, which the russian federation continues, and which the russian federation does not want to stop.

Ukraine defends its own land, its sovereignty, and its territory. Ukraine is fighting for peace. It is such a cruel paradox of the 21st century, and for us, this is reality.

We cannot lay down our arms because otherwise, we will disappear. As a state, as a nation, simply as people.

russia chose the path of war, but Ukraine is fighting on the way to peace.

russia is shooting for destruction, and Ukraine is shooting to survive.

War is a national idea of ​​the russian federation. Ukrainian national idea is peace," the president emphasized.

Zelensky emphasized that today, he would talk about this — about peace, not war.

"Look around. What seems so simple and ordinary to you is actually a huge blessing. The sky without missiles and bombs, not destroyed homes and buildings, loved ones, and all your fellow citizens in safety, not injured and alive. All of this is a great blessing. And even more. For us today, all of this is a miracle.

With weapons in hand, we defend ourselves so that this miracle becomes a reality for us again. It is not something incredible, fantastic, or supernatural. It's just peace.

And this is what Ukraine is defending today. And for us, this is the reason for the struggle and the goal of victory. It is peace. For the sake of the future," the president emphasized.

"What will be the future of the UN and other international organizations? Will they remain bureaucratized institutions with a closed "club of the chosen ones" like the Security Council, unable to bring the aggressor to justice?

Or maybe they will be reformed into functional institutions capable of preventing wars and famine and effectively combating climate change?

And finally, what should be the world's response to the threats of dictators with a "nuclear stick"?

How should we rebuild cities from scratch to make them new-conceptual in terms of simplicity, environmental friendliness, and energy efficiency?

Can we use the Japanese experience of railway development? How to get rid of energy dependence? What can we do for global food security? How to build safe cyberspace?

What new technologies should we make available for our citizens? How can we make people's lives more comfortable?" Zelensky asked the Japanese community.

"Ukraine's primary goal is peace. The peace you are used to.
It was usual for us too, but everything changed in 2014 when russia annexed Crimea and started hostilities in the east of Ukraine.

On February 24, 2022, in addition to the east, the aggression of the russian federation spread to the south, north, center, and west. When a full-scale war, like a tsunami, covered all of Ukraine.

Peace. What was the norm has become a memory. It is the norm for you, and it remains the reality. I believe it will be the future for us too.

Appreciate peace! Take care of the main benefit that gives you all other benefits – the opportunity to learn, develop, create and live!

Value peace, protect it, and do not betray it. You are capable of a lot for the establishment and rule of peace," the Ukrainian president summed up.

Read Rubryka's daily timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.

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